Why is Fitness Important? | A Helpful Guide For Healthy Living

There are possibly hundreds of answers to why fitness is important. In one short line, fitness helps us take care of everything in the best possible way.

Regular Exercise strengthens the muscles and bones. It improves both respiratory and cardiovascular health. It makes you more active which is associated with maintaining a healthy weight, reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and a lower chance of contracting certain cancers.

Behind a fit physique is always a disciplined human striving to become the best version of self.

In this article, you will find a small list of prominent perks that physical fitness can gift you if you are regularly doing workouts.

why is fitness important

Top 5 reasons why Fitness is Important:

1. Fitness can Save Money by Lowering Medical Bills

7 out of 10 deaths in the USA are associated with chronic diseases. Roughly, 86% of health costs in the country goes in that direction.

Although heart diseases are difficult to deal with, it is very much possible to reduce their risk by adopting healthy activities and trying to get fit.

You need to make health and fitness an important part of your lifestyle. It will help you stay away from diabetes. And overall you can save a lot of money as a byproduct of not contracting a disease.

You can do as little as taking a walk twice a day or maybe spend a little on a treadmill and save your money on hospital bills. Health is wealth. If you have it, you have everything you need.

2. Fitness Improves the overall Mood

Fitness can be fun. We did a poll on Linkedin and around 37% of people voted that fitness is important to them because it enhances their mood and makes them happy.

In fact, fitness and mood go hand in hand and there is a strong link between exercise and happiness.

Regular exercise can have a positive impact on anxiety, depression, and ADHD. It can also relieve stress, improve your memory and help you sleep better, which can, in turn, boost your overall mood.

Activity is the jugular vein of success in life and a better mood will help you achieve more things by keeping you motivated and moving all day.

A good mood also means better interactions with people which as a result can lead to better networking and productivity in places where you need help from people.

It will also make you a more approachable person. If you work in a managerial position, fitness leading to a boost in mood will be a great gift.

It will make it easier for you to work with your colleagues and subordinates. The more you are connected with people, the more it is easier to influence them.

3. Good Fitness Can Help You Live Longer

Make Exercising a habit because it is key to living longer.

  • the ageing process slows down
  • life expectancy increases &
  • it is never too late to get these rewards

Although for seniors in the age of 60-80, it is better to limit your exercising and only do activities like:

  • carrying heavy shopping bags
  • workout with resistance bands
  • do gardening like digging and shovelling
  • try pilates and yoga
  • do exercises that use your own weight like pull-ups
  • and walk as much as you can

You can also try playing Sports that you love to watch because, among many other benefits, sports keep you active, happy and more likely to help live longer.

4. Fitness Can Improve Your Memory And Brain Functioning

Exercising has many Mental Benefits. The best of them is improved memory and brain functioning.

Exercise can increase the oxygen supply to the brain which reduces the risk of disorders like dementia meaning a lesser chance of memory loss and also it enhances the effects of brain chemicals which can improve your memory and brain functioning.

5. You Will Sleep Better

Insomnia and inability to sleep enough and waking up tired is a very common problem nowadays.

People suffering from these problems and not working out enough needs to understand there is a strong relationship between fitness and sleep and besides many other health benefits what exercise does is increase your body temperature a little and later when the internal thermostat drops back to a normal temperature range, it triggers feelings of drowsiness which can help you in getting asleep more easily.


There are some things in life that you can’t replace with anything. Health is one of them. If lost, no amount of money can buy it.

The benefits of fitness that we mentioned in this blog are just the pick of the lot. There are several other factors that can easily put your health ahead of anything else in life and I’m sure this post will help you get motivated towards living a healthy life. Live long and stay blessed with health 🙂

If you want to know more about perks of being fit, check this next article on how exercise can makes you more attractive.

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