Body Heat After Drinking Milk- How Milk Affects Body Temperature?

To understand why our body temperature rises after drinking milk, we must first define body heat. It is not thermal heat that keeps us warm instead body heat refers to the acids produced by our stomach. In a more scientific sense, body heat is the food we consume.

Does Milk Cause Heat In The Body?

Yes, milk causes heat in our bodies, but it is not as simple as that. Milk is one of the healthiest foods because it contains calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. However, sometimes milk can be harmful and act as a source of body heat or acidity. I’ll go over it in depth here.

Wrong Timing

Drinking milk is not always harmful, but drinking it in the morning or at noon has a high chance of increasing heat in your body.

Hot Milk Or Cold Milk

Most people believe that drinking hot milk raises body temperature, but this is not true. When compared to cold milk, hot milk has a very low chance of producing body heat.

The reason for this is that refrigerated or cold milk is more difficult to digest, but whether to drink hot or cold milk is highly dependent on the weather.

Cold milk is ideal for drinking during the day, especially in the summer. Drinking cold milk before going to bed is not advised because it increases the likelihood of acidity and can aggravate your digestive problems.

Foods To Avoid Eating With Milk

1- Raw onions and garlic should not be consumed with milk because they increase body heat and acidity.

2- Similarly, salty foods are not advised to be consumed with milk.

3- Avoid drinking milk with acidic fruits such as oranges and limes.

Why Does Milk Cause Acidity?

One of the most common causes of acidity is the consumption of dairy products made from cow’s milk. Because milk is high in fat, it usually aggravates heartburn.

In people with GERD, drinking milk can cause acidity. Milk and its link to GERD are well established, and all studies to date show that if milk or other dairy products are not consumed at the right time or in the right amount, or both in some cases, they cause acidity and an increase in body heat.

How To Reduce Body Heat

  1. Drinking plenty of water is the most effective way to reduce body heat. Around 3 liters per day would be ideal.
  2. Chewing Fenugreek is another effective method.
  3. Morning walks and swimming are also beneficial if you want to feel better while dealing with acidity and body heat.
  4. Fruit juices and vegetables such as cucumber, curd, gourds, and other leafy vegetables are also advised.
  5. Coriander seeds mixed with water and boiled lemon juice once every two to three days will also be extremely beneficial.

With that said, it is clear that milk is a very healthy diet and most beneficial for your body in every aspect, but it all depends on when you drink it, what you eat with it, and whether you have it cold or hot. If you are experiencing body heat or acidity due to drinking milk or dairy products, the solutions listed above will undoubtedly prove helpful.

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