10 Potential Disadvantages Of Tabata Workout

Tabata training is all the rage these days. But with great popularity comes a lot of questions. One of those questions is: “Is Tabata really that rewarding?

While there are several benefits associated with Tabata workouts, there are also some drawbacks.

This article will explain ten potential downsides of Tabata training.

1. Tabata Can Get Overly Intense

Tabata can be too intense for certain individuals, such as those who are overweight, elderly, or have underlying health issues.

Beginners who have not gradually built up their fitness levels may also find Tabata overwhelming and potentially harmful.

A study suggests that too much high-intensity workout may harm your mitochondria, the energy generators found in every cell of your body.

Therefore, beginners should start with something easier, build their stamina and energy, and only then make Tabata part of their workout routine.

2. Risk Of Injury And Over-training

The 2nd drawback of the Tabata workout is that it is designed to be done quickly with very little rest in between.

That intensity can put stress on your muscles, which could cause injury if you’re not used to it.

This also means that you may not get the same benefits as traditional workouts.

It’s important to remember that you should always consult with your doctor before starting any such exercise program or at least start with something that is less physically demanding.

3. Frustration And Demotivation

You may not be able to keep up with the pace of the workout, which can make you feel frustrated and demotivated.

It requires a lot of courage and mental strength to get into workouts that are high-paced and intense.

And when you can’t keep up with the clock, which is a necessity in Tabata training, it can be very demoralizing and bad in experience.

4. Not Beginner Friendly

Tabata has been criticized by some experts because it doesn’t allow for a warm-up or cool-down period. This can be a big problem for people who are just starting out with exercise and have not yet built up their endurance.

Beginners can also get bored of Tabata very easily because it requires a lot of courage and mental power to continue.

5. Keeping Track Of Time Is Difficult In Tabata

It’s very easy to lose track of time during Tabata workout, which can lead to interruptions from exercises for clock re-setting.

Some people even don’t stop and keep doing their Tabata exercises beyond the recommended exercise time, which can lead to overexertion and injury.

6. Tabata Can Cause “The Wall” Effect

It can cause “the wall” – a phenomenon where you hit a wall of exhaustion and can no longer do the workout properly.

This usually happens when people aren’t used to working out at such a high intensity, but even people who are fit can experience this.

In such a situation, instead of quitting workouts altogether, continue with something less intense and come back to Tabata when you are mentally ready again.

7. Tabata Can Make You Hate Workouts

It can make you hate working out (for a while). Even though the workouts are short, they’re intense.

If you’re not in shape, you may find them too difficult to do regularly.

And if you push yourself too hard during a workout, you can end up feeling nauseous or dizzy and have trouble exercising for several days afterward.

It’s a top recommendation by every fitness expert all over the web and in every gym that to keep your Tabata workouts limited to 3-5 times a week. Anything more than that is setting yourself up for failure.

8. Not Ideal For Working Out Alone

Tabata can be difficult to do on your own. There is not enough break between exercises, only 10 seconds breaks, so there’s no time to readjust the clock for the next exercise, or keep track of the order of exercises.

Plus, working out in a group setting can provide a boost of energy and motivation, which can make it easier to perform Tabata exercises with proper form and intensity.

This is evident in many Tabata classes on YouTube and other platforms, where the exercises are often performed in a group setting.

9. Not Good For Weak Joints

Tabata workouts can be detrimental to the joints of people who are at the beginning of their fitness journey or have a low fitness level.

Even those with a moderate fitness level of 5 or 6 out of 10 should exercise caution before attempting Tabata.

When the joints and muscles are not accustomed to exercise, it’s crucial to start with easier workouts and gradually build up strength and endurance.

This approach will prepare the body for the high-intensity demands of Tabata and reduce the risk of injury.

10. Tabata Can Be Dangerous For The Heart

Tabata can cause the body to release cortisol, which can be damaging to the heart and other organs.

This is especially true if you’re doing high-intensity workouts that last longer than 20 seconds. (I’m not saying to avoid Tabata, but just be aware of the risks.)

If you are a heart patient, or very unfit planning to start working out, don’t choose Tabata as your 1st option for a training program.

Before you go…

If you’re interested in learning more about Tabata, we encourage you to check out our next article.

While Tabata workouts can have some disadvantages, it’s important to note that they can also offer many benefits, such as increased aerobic and anaerobic fitness, improved metabolism, and efficient use of time.

Understanding both the advantages and drawbacks of Tabata can help you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right exercise program for your individual needs and fitness level.

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