Are Push Ups Overrated? | Pros and Cons of Pushups

No pushups are not overrated because they build chest and upper body strength, improve posture, and are convenient with no equipment needed. Plus, they help with muscle definition and boost metabolism.

And these are only a few benefits among a pool of many others that we are going to discuss in this article.

How do push-ups help build the chest?

Push-ups are an effective exercise for building chest muscles because they specifically target the pectoral muscles.

When you perform a push-up, you use your chest muscles to push your bodyweight off the ground.

Over time, this repetitive motion, combined with resistance from your body weight, leads to the development of chest muscle strength and size.

As you progress and can do more push-ups, your chest muscles continue to adapt and grow.

How do push-ups contribute to upper body strength?

Push-ups are a compound exercise that engages several upper body muscles simultaneously.

When you lower your body down and push it back up during a push-up, you work not only the chest but also the shoulders, triceps (back of the upper arm), and deltoids (shoulder muscles).

This engagement of multiple muscle groups helps improve overall upper body strength.

Regularly incorporating push-ups into your workout routine can lead to noticeable gains in strength over time.

In what way do push-ups improve posture?

Push-ups can positively impact posture by strengthening the muscles in the upper back and chest.

These muscles play a crucial role in maintaining an upright and balanced posture.

When they are weak or underdeveloped, it can lead to slouching or rounded shoulders.

By strengthening these muscles through push-ups, you can counteract poor posture habits and promote a more erect and confident posture.

Why are push-ups considered convenient?

Push-ups are often praised for their convenience because they require no special equipment or gym membership.

You can perform push-ups virtually anywhere with enough space to extend your body.

This accessibility makes push-ups an ideal exercise for people who prefer home workouts, those who travel frequently, or anyone looking for a straightforward and equipment-free way to stay fit.

How do push-ups help with muscle definition?

Push-ups contribute to muscle definition by targeting specific muscle groups, such as the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

As these muscles become stronger and more developed through regular push-up training, they become more pronounced and defined.

This enhanced muscle definition can lead to a more toned and sculpted appearance in the upper body, which many people find aesthetically pleasing.

What’s the benefit of push-ups for metabolism?

Push-ups can benefit metabolism by increasing your resting metabolic rate.

Building lean muscle mass through exercises like push-ups can cause your body to burn more calories even when you’re at rest.

This is because muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue.

Therefore, as you build and maintain muscle through push-ups and other strength-training exercises, your metabolism becomes more efficient at burning calories, potentially helping with weight management and overall energy expenditure.

How to do pushups?

Pushups can be done in a lot of different ways. The most common one is the basic pushup which is demonstrated in a video below along with 24 other types of pushups.

Why Are Pushups So Hard For Some People?

While it may appear simple from the look of it, pushups are not easy for everyone.

Many people, especially people who are stiff find pushups hard because either they don’t know the proper technique or they are not consistent enough to do this exercise on a regular basis.

Other than that, pushups are not a piece of cake for everyone and are quite challenging. That’s why most athletes refrain from doing too much of them.

They save their energies for other important workouts and stuff.

Do Push-Ups Get Easier Over Time?

Yes, pushups do get easier over time because once your muscles are strong and your technique is firm, you will be able to execute more pushups easily.

Can We Do Pushups Daily?

Yes, we can and should do pushups every day to gradually improve our performance. There is no harm in doing pushups every day.

Can You Lose Weight From Pushups?

Yes, you can lose weight from pushups but it won’t be any significant weight loss.

According to Dr. Eric Berg in a 5 minutes video below, exercise only helps 15% in your weight loss journey. The rest is dependent on your diet, sleep, rest, and recovery:

Are there any disadvantages to performing pushups?

Yes, there are a few disadvantages to performing pushups. If done improperly or excessively, you may suffer wrist discomfort, back pain, or other injuries.


Push-ups are indeed not overrated, as they offer a multitude of benefits. They are a valuable exercise for building chest muscles through targeted pectoral engagement, and they contribute significantly to upper body strength by involving various muscle groups like the shoulders, triceps, and deltoids.

Furthermore, push-ups positively impact posture by strengthening upper back and chest muscles, promoting an upright stance.

Their convenience, requiring no special equipment, makes them accessible for home workouts and travel. Push-ups also aid in muscle definition, giving a toned upper body appearance, and can boost metabolism by increasing resting metabolic rate.

While they may seem straightforward, push-ups offer a wide variety of techniques to target different muscle groups. They may initially be challenging for some, particularly if proper form and consistency are lacking.

However, with practice, they become easier over time, allowing for increased repetitions. Daily push-up practice is encouraged to enhance performance gradually.

Regarding weight loss, push-ups can contribute but are only a small part of the equation. The majority of weight loss depends on factors like diet, sleep, rest, and recovery.

Finally, it’s worth noting that performing push-ups improperly or excessively can lead to discomfort and potential injuries, such as wrist discomfort or back pain.

Therefore, it’s crucial to practice good form and moderation when incorporating push-ups into your fitness routine.

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